Distiller of emotions


Publisher Information
The Création Parfumée site can be accessed via the URL http://creation-parfumee.com (hereafter referred to as the Site).

It provides information on activities related to the company  » CAD Création Parfumée  » (hereafter Création Parfumée).

Head office: 27, chemin de la Siagne 06460 Saint-Vallier-de Thiey

Web address: http://creation-parfumee.com

Director of the publication: Isabelle AAD

The site is hosted by:
IONOS whose head office is located at 7, place de la Gare 57200 Sarreguemines

Graphic designer – Webmaster – SEO

Laurent Debacker – Studio de création So’Cocc’ – 06460 Saint-Vallier-de Thiey


Atout Support

Photo credits
– Création Parfumée
– Freepik – Atlas Company
– Pexels – Duané Viljoen
– Pexels – Dids

The Création Parfumée site is a creation protected by copyright. The texts, drawings and other elements of this site are protected by copyright. Any copy, adaptation, translation, arrangement, communication to the public, rental and other exploitation, modification of all or part of this site in any form and by any means, electronic, mechanical or other, is strictly forbidden without prior written agreement from Création Parfumée. Any infringement of these rights may result in civil or criminal proceedings.

Intellectual property rights
The general design, as well as the texts, photographs, computer graphics, animated or non-animated images, know-how and all other elements making up the site are the exclusive property of Création Parfumée.
The whole of this site is subject to French legislation on copyright and intellectual property. The same applies to the databases on the website, which are protected by the provisions of the law of July 1st 1998 (article L112-3), and of which Création Parfumée is the producer.
The reproduction of all or part of this site on any electronic medium whatsoever is expressly prohibited. The use of the content of the site in contravention of these provisions is counterfeit in the sense of Article 335-2 of the Code of Intellectual Property. In addition to damages under civil liability, it may be punishable by a fine of 300,000 euros and/or 3 years imprisonment. For other uses, please contact us.
In accordance with the Data Protection Act (art.34 of the law « Informatique et Libertés »), you have the right to access, rectify and delete data concerning you. To exercise this right, please contact Création Parfumée. The information collected from persons by means of the contact forms shall not be divulged to persons other than Création Parfumée. It will only be used for the purpose for which it was collected. However, your answers are optional and failure to answer will not lead to any particular consequence. Nevertheless, your answers must be sufficient to allow us to process the information.

Contact form
In accordance with the law on Information Technology and Civil Liberties (art.34 of the law on Information Technology and Civil Liberties), you have the right to access, rectify and delete data concerning you. To exercise this right, please contact Création Parfumée. The information collected from persons by means of the contact forms shall not be divulged to persons other than Création Parfumée. It will only be used for the purposes for which it was collected. However, your answers are optional and failure to answer will not lead to any particular consequence. Nevertheless, your answers must be sufficient to allow us to process the information.

Distiller of emotions

© Création Parfumée 2022

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